Sunday, October 14, 2012

... paghihilom through the heal-om festival ... (life coach, counselor, psychotherapy, clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, osteopath, quezon city, manila, philippines)

"hilom" is the tagalog word for "heal," and "om" is a hindu syllable which refers to the first sound manifested during the creation of the universe, the vibrational energy of God.   "heal-om" then is apt title for a festival that aims to bring healing to a wounded humanity.  

opening ceremony

much divisiveness and much anger have arisen because people are more loyal to their religion than to our God who transcends ALL religions. many acts of prejudice and atrocity have in fact been arrogantly committed in the name of God who ironically is proclaimed to be the God of love and compassion.  sadly, God has merely become a pawn used by narrow-minded religious zealots to prove that their religion is better than others'.  what humanity needs now is a deep healing brought about through a unified spirituality despite religious diversity.  

the inter-faith dialogue

it is a heart-warming sight to see representatives of different faiths let go of their religious differences to promote the true meaning of "kabalikat-" being "shoulder to shoulder" with each other in worshiping God, the Creator of all humanity, no matter what religion they may have.  

speaking of religious diversity, what comes to my mind is the biblical verse which declares that God shows no favoritism in showering His unconditional love and grace.  Matthew 5:45 says, "In this way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.  For he gives His sunlight to both the evil and the good, and He sends rain on the just and unjust alike."

 a joyous celebration and spiritual frenzy arise in the absence of religious borders and boundaries.  catholics, born-again christians, muslims, buddhists, hindu, and people of various other faiths demonstrate the essence of spiritual camaraderie.

special number:  taichi fan dance

special number:  capoeira

highlights of the event for me: (besides meeting lydia cabasco of soulcollage, harriet hormillosa of RCW, gina lee, nino tchoi, james asprer, greg ciocson, david montecillo, and kim lopa of The Lily and Beyond)

attending an art workshop entitled PLAY! Exploring Intuitive Creativity with mimsy sermonia-jundis of mamaste.

having my palm read by bernie tiongco of ripples. 

being inspired by the story of romnick blanco, a 14-year old farmer's son who lived at the foothills of the Sierra Madre Mountains.  he would walk 4-hours roundtrip just to attend school everyday.  through the assistance of GreenEarth Heritage Foundation, he was awarded a scholarship at the International School of Manila. 

sharing a booth with yasmin nuno, owner of ripples bookstore at robinson galleria.

and of course, enjoying the event with the life change recovery staff- jonel, may, and ms. agnes.