Friday, September 28, 2012

... the GREAT Group: Support Group for Friends with Social Anxiety Disorder ... (life coach, counselor, psychotherapist, clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, osteopath, quezon city, manila, philippines)

what inspires me most about the GREAT group is that its members are dedicated to get out of their shells to pursue personal growth and attain their fullest human potential.  

established by mother hen chevlenz buena, the GREAT group meets occasionally to make new acquaintances, to deepen existing friendships, to share stories, to give encouragement to one another, to learn new ways of coping with stress and anxiety, and to have fun.

one of the rewards of the support group meetings is the camaraderie built through the growth activities.  to pixie, tonton, blessie, mimi, and giselle, til we meet again, God bless us all! :D