Thursday, April 5, 2012

Randy Dellosa: Holistic and Integrative Psychiatry (Mind-Body Medicine) Training Program in the Philippines (life coach, counselor, psychotherapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, quezon city, manila, philippines)

Holistic and Integrative Psychiatry 

(Mind-Body Medicine) Training Program


Facilitator: Randy Dellosa, MD, PsyD, MAcu, FPSLC, DDM, DO-MTP

(Physician-Psychiatrist, Doctor of Psychology, 
Medical Acupuncturist, Fellow of the Philippine Society of Life Coaches, Doctor of Divinity and Metaphysics, Diploma in Osteopathy)

Module 1:  Perspectives on the Interaction of Body, Mind, and Emotions

Medical Perspectives
Psychosomatic Medicine
Psychological Perspectives
Health Psychology and the Biopsychosocial Model
Holistic Psychology
Somatic Psychology
Positive Psychology
Conditions demonstrating the Interaction of Body, Mind, and Emotions
The Placebo Effect
Spontaneous Remission
Voodoo and Koro

Module 2:  Enhancing the Doctor-Patient Alliance

The Psychology of Chronic Illness
The Psychology of the Patient
Managing Patients of Different Personality Types
Managing Patients of Different Developmental Stages
The Anatomy of Medical Consultations
Effective and Therapeutic Communication Skills with Sick People
Bedside Manners for Doctors
Motivating Patients to Comply with Treatment Regimens

Module 3:  Psychological/ Neurological Approaches for Mind-Body Health

Psychology of the Body
Body Reading
Body Language
Emotional Mapping of the Body
Handwriting Analysis
Projective Testing
Draw a Person Test
Handwriting Analysis
Color Test
Psychological Therapies that Influence Body, Mind, and Emotions
Subconscious-Focused Psychotherapies: 
Guided Visualization
Dream Analysis
Creative-Expressive Therapies
Art Therapy
Movement and Dance Therapies
Voice Therapy
Drama Therapy, Journaling, Poetry, etc.
Cathartic and Experiential Psychotherapies
Primal Scream/ Primal Integration
Reichian Therapy/ Bioenergetics/ Core Energetics/ Trauma Release Exercises
Holotropic Breathing/ Rebirthing
Gendlins’s Focusing
Sensory Awareness
Conventional Psychotherapies
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Touch Psychotherapies
Rosen Method
Rubenfeld Synergy,
Trager Tablework
Boyesen’s Biodynamic Massage
Neurologically-based Therapies
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reintegration
Brainwave Entrainment
Relaxation Therapies
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Autogenic Training
Meditation Techniques

Module 4: Physical Approaches that Influence the Mind and Emotions

Body Manipulations
Osteopathic Interventions
Craniosacral Therapy
Myofascial Release
Visceral Manipulation
Dorn Method and the Emotional Spine
Bowen Therapy for Stress Relief
Raindrop Massage and Aromatherapy
Diet for Mental and Emotional Health
Nutritional Supplements

Module 5:  Energetic Approaches to Mind-Body Health

The Aura
The Auric Layers
Healing Exercises for the Aura
Healing Techniques for Mental/ Emotional Problems
The Chakra System
Psychology of the Chakra Centers
Qigong and Yoga Exercises for the Chakra Centers
Chakra Healing
Pranic Psychotherapy
The Meridian System
The 5 Elements Theory and the Emotions
Qigong Exercises for Emotional Health
Medical Qigong Therapy for Emotional Cleansing
Meridian System Healing
Acupuncture and Acupressure
Emotional Freedom Techniques
Shiatsu/ Tsubo Therapy
Jin Shin Do and Process Acupressure
Emotional Release Therapy
Shen Shun Tao Therapy
Yuen Method
Yoga Poses for Mental/Emotional Healing
Kundalini Yoga Exercises
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy and Integrative Yoga Therapy
Miscellaneous Energy Therapies for Mental/Emotional Health
Quantum Touch
Clinical Reflexology
Sujok Acupunture
Polarity Energy Therapy and Massage
Hawaiian Energy Therapy (Kahi Loa) and Energy Dance (Kalana Hula)
Crystal Healing

Module 6:  Existential/ Transpersonal/ Spiritual Approaches to Mind-Body Health

The Science of Prayer, Meditation, Mindfulness, and Ritual
Health Care as a Spiritual Practice
Taking the Physicians’ Oath Seriously
The Moral Obligation to Address Patients’ Spiritual Needs
God-talk at the Bedside
The Doctor as a Wounded Healer
Spiritual Themes:  Gratitude, Forgiveness, Surrender, Faith
Nurturing One’s Personal Spirituality
Eastern Concepts
Experiences of Near Birth, the Interlife, and Near Death
Eastern mindfulness psychotherapies
Morita psychotherapy
Naikan: Introspection therapy
Shadan: Isolation therapy
Seiza: Quiet Sitting therapy
Zen: Meditation therapy

Module 7:  Sexual/Relational Issues in Mind-Body Health

Sex Education 101
A Survey of Common Sexual Problems
Basics of Sexual Healing
The Healing Touch
Sensate Focus Exercises
Sexual Fitness
The Eastern Philosophy and Practice of Tantra
Relationship Education 101
Dysfunctional Relationships
Healing the Relationship

Module 8:  Gestalt Therapy and Personal Growth for the Body-Mind Specialist

Gestalt Therapy
Key Concepts
The Therapeutic Process
Techniques and Procedures
Gestalt Therapy Group Sessions (Retreat) for
Emotional Healing
Personal Growth