Tuesday, October 6, 2009

... counseling for transgendered, transexual, and gender-variant persons in the philippines ...

i met sharon for a counseling session this afternoon and she told me her story:
as a kid growing up, she didn't have much care in the world. but as soon as puberty hit her, she fell into a deep crisis about her sexual identity. she became severely disturbed by the mismatch between her masculine mentality and her feminine appearance. for her, nature had played a dirty trick on her by making her a "man trapped in a woman's body."
in order to halt the development of female sexual characteristics, she resorted to severe dieting which made her frail and sickly in the process. years later, as she researched on the internet, she discovered that her "affliction" had a name-- it was a condition known as "transexuality."
this afternoon, sharon sought consultation with me for the very reason that she was ready to come to terms with her transexual self. she was ready to let go of the emotional baggage that had burdened her through the years.
through individual counseling and group therapy with other transexuals, i hope that i can assist her well on her journey towards personal healing, growth, and wholeness.

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